Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ault Park with the Rosenberg-Nichols-Rakes Cousins

 Grandma Karen is going to love this one!

 Baby toes...

 Jeremy was fantastic...he loved being photographed in the 'cool spot' where all the 'cool kids' get their pictures taken...

 Could those eyes be any more blue?

 The Rosenburgs...cute!

 Lily was absolutely adorable.

 Luke posing like a big boy...

 The girl cousins...

 The Rakes....all four of them.

 Hallie doing what Hallie does best....pretty!

 Kenny...boys aren't supposed to be too cute....

 Zachie...stinkin' adorable....


I told you the baby toes were cute!

What a fantastic time at Ault Park with all the cousins....
Thank you for allowing us to photograph the kids again this year...
as always, it was a pleasure and an honor....

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